Chapter 2-4

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It hit her suddenly, feeling so selfish and hurt and not even taking a second to think about what she's been doing. "What have I done?" A flushed, shocked expression controls her face "Caitlin" Nora holds her hands "Breathe" she tries relaxing her but it's challenging "Caitlin, look at me" she breathes out and in slowly "You're okay" ... "you're okay" she comforts her sudden oncoming "I'm not" Caitlin disagrees "What have I done?" Her focus on Nora's "Tell me Caitlin" she politely insists "What if she doesn't make it? Nora what have I done? What do I.." Her eyes plead of guilt and Nora's focus upon her stomach "oh.. sweetie," she hugs "what if she..." Caitlin expresses but her tears wash away the rest of her words "We should probably go to the hospital" Nora scares Caitlin with the thought that she's definitely done something wrong.  Standing up with a weak grip around her hand she apologizes for not telling her sooner "were going to help you through this" the two of them saunter past Henry "We'll be back" Nora whispers as Caitlin goes and sits in the car, hands on her head as she leans against the foggy window "What have I done?"...

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