Chapter 1-41

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She forgets to button it up, but that's okay because they're both comfortable with each other. He comes out of his bedroom and she does hers, he stops her in the hall way and nicely grabs the lapel of her flannel and buttons it up "this is going to sound cheesy, but you're really cute" he says and admires her aswell as her outfit.  This makes her blush, just like every time he compliments her, it's obvious she just checked him out and Barry giggles a bit then surprisingly picks her up and takes her downstairs. Still holding her, her legs wrapped around his waist, his hands holding her so she doesn't fall; She smiles and kisses him out of temptation as he sits down with her, practically on his lap she turns to face him and hugs him intensely.  Without a doubt he knows this hug has alot of emotion behind it so he hugs her back and puts his face between her neck and shoulder and doesn't let go, his hand moves slowly up and down her back in a comforting way where at this point she's closed her eyes and cant sense anything but him "I really needed that" she says, her eyes sparkly from the snow melting on her eye lashes.  She adjusts her position so she's sitting infront of Barry, facing the TV, on a blanket of pillows, his legs on either side of her shoulders...

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