Chapter 2-10

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Minutes, seconds, uncountable moments in time; There was a fissure.  A thin split of mind keeping Barry back from the one he loved and longed for; memory.
His eyes open.
Remembering the last sight of Caitlin, tears streaming down her cheeks like a broken water pipe, trembling hands holding onto his cold cheeks as her heart broke into pieces; distance.

The doctors bring her in. Wrapped in a soft pink blanket, supporting her head and gently handing her over to Caitlin "Congratulations, it's a girl" Caitlin smiles at the doctor, looking down and cradling her "she has Barry's eyes"  Caitlin speaks aloud, choking a bit on tears "she's beautiful" Nora approaches and kisses Caitlins forehead in the process.

Standing, on his feet with a head throbbing from oncoming messages, thoughts...memories, he starts to piece them together.  Everybody drops the ropes and rushes over to Laurel; Barry incomprehensive to everything at once, only one persistent thought "Caitlin Snow"....

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