Chapter 1-57

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His attitude is unstoppable, in no time his classes are over and his work is done.
With speed, or in his case as fast as his  quirky legs will take him, he gets everything organized. A dinner set up at home, candle lit and vibrant pink roses in his hands. He opens the door thinking he saw her but doesn't see anyone, sticking his head out farther she kisses his cheek "Quite the detective Mr.Allen, aren't your hands supposed to round the corner before your head?" She teases with a laugh "they were full" he steps out the doorway handing her flowers "don't worry, they're not from the garden" he jokes. She drops her bag on the step and lightly smells the fragrance of the flowers "I love you Barry" the words slip out of her mouth as her eyes meet back with his, He moves behind her, picking up her bag and putting his hands over her eyes, leading her inside.  They're barely off her face when she turns around and grabs his, having already seen what he's got set up she just cant help but hold him "How is this even possible?" She asks with a begging look "how is what?" He asks squinting one eye with a sappy smile "how do you continuously make me fall in love with you?" She places a finger on his lips because she's not done yet "every day you give me butterflies, every day you find a new way to make me smile" she speaks softly "everyday with you makes me feel" her hands travel to his chest "really happy" she finally expresses and looks back at his face which is beaming like a Christmas tree "Because you're a dream" she instantly smiles "and for once, not one that slips away when I open my eyes" the words fall like feathers from his mouth...

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