Chapter 1-6

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She reaches out and places her hand on Caitlins back "Everything is okay sweetie" she insists but Cait just starts crying harder "I can't do this, not after what happened" she says and sits up and into Nora "Ive lost my parents and I can't loose Barry" Henry comes and sits beside Caitlin aswell "How do you feel about online courses? Then you can stay with Barry in the hospital all day" he mentions and she looks up "Can I even do that?" She says, a little hope in her voice, trying to hold back the only emotions she can feel "Yes, if you'd like" both parents say simultaneously...
10 months later...
*Doing homework on her laptop* Caitlin sits in the room with Barry, still in a coma, when she sees his fingers move out of the corner of her eye..
"Nurse!" She puts down her computer screen and calls out and one comes rushing "he moved! His fingers moved, I saw it" she says hopefully to an unbelieving nurse "Sweetie, are you sure you aren't just imagining things?" She says as Barry's body lays still as usual "I'm not, I swear! Why don't you believe me?" She says standing up defensively.
The nurse leaves and Caitlin walks over to Barry, sitting on the stool by his bed "come on Barry, I've been here, for you this entire school year. It's time you do me a favour" she pauses and takes his hand in hers "Please wake up Barry" she says taking her other hand and moving his hair out of his face then plants a small kiss on his cheek "I love you Barry" she confesses with a small tear.
Just then...

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