Chapter 1-39

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The snow is quickly accumulating on the ground, Barry is cold but he puts Caitlin before him and let's her keep his jacket he brought "if you insist you dont like surprises, Have you ever been to a drive in Movie?" Barry asks with noticeable goosebumps but he doesn't let it bother him.  A huge smile grows on her face as she too starts shivering "when we were kids" she says recalling the memory and giggling a little "are you going to get so into the movie you start crying again?" She teases "Hey! Harry Potter was an emotional movie okay?" He says feeling the embarrassment and Caitlin notices as his face goes from sand white to bright red, "I think you were just scared of the big snake" she teases and playfully hitting his shoulder, he takes advantage of this moment and grabs her hand as she pulls it back.  He playfully twirls her once or twice then places his other hand on her lower back while they stand close "but now I don't have to be" he says and brings his face close to hers like they're going to kiss but he pauses "you're only scared if your incomplete, but with you Cait, I'd be damned if I were to say I was anything but whole".
Instead of looking down at the ground and smiling she focused her eyes up and onto Barry, the snow, sparkly from the street lights, seemed to move alot slower, she was millimetres away from their lips touching and thats exactly what she did.  Time stopped as her lips met his, they closed their eyes and his hands moved to her neck then her cheeks, her hand on his chest and the other on his back...

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