Chapter 1-51

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It's tomorrow already and it's Caitlin's first day at work, she has to get up at 6:30 to make it to work on time but finds it quite the challenge...
Barry acts so dramatic "I'm so cold now" he curls himself up in the blanket "it's freezing!" He exclaims and chatters his teeth, Caitlin turns to him and tosses a friendly eye roll "How do I put up with you?" She smiles alongside her remark "because you love me" Barry adds as he again changes positions making Caitlin laugh "you can either get up with me or freeze to death, your choice" she says matter of factly as her hands go to her hips "cold or tired... Babe, why do you have me make decisions like this?" He groans as he stands up and puts on slippers, wrapped in two comforters with a pouty expression. She finishes putting on her makeup and goes to head out the door but Barry tries first and gets stuck because of the blanket "oh no" he says not thinking about if he dropped the covers he would fit "I'm stuck" he acts scared then adds an ever so sarcastic comment "how ever will you get out?" He smirks as she takes the covers and put her cold hands on his back "with karma" she laughs and he jolts forward "Evil, that's absolutely evil" he turns and grabs her wrists so she can't touch him "but you love me, so.." she smiles "you have me there" he kisses her then she gets breakfast and leaves "See you later Barry" she smiles and opens the door outside, practically bumping into somebody at her door...

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