Chapter 2-21

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"We -" the space around him slows down, like when he's running.. it's all frozen. "Yeah" Caitlin's voice brings his mind back to him, her smile filling his heart with an everlasting feeling "This is incredible!"

Everything should be back to normal, right?  Well, not exactly...
Barry finds rest on the couch, being back so sudden it all feels fake - life isn't easier and certainly not as simple.. especially now with his powers.

2am arises and both tired, having not fallen asleep yet Caitlin goes and comforts Dani before she wakes - her mid-night crying has become a habit.  Taking a second to register her open eyes in the dim room "Hey-" she speaks as Danielle muffles noises as she wakes up "Don't cry, Mommy's here" up and into her arms she cradles her, Dani finds placement for her tiny hands on her chest but it's not something Caitlin finds a bother. Tip toeing down the stairs, foggy but awake she approaches Barry; Restless, uncomfortable, mind full of thoughts he acts like he's sleeping but she knows him better than that "Hey" she whispers getting down more towards his head level "I know your awake" the familiar touch of her nimble fingers moving hair out his face has him opening his eyes.  Moving over to make room "Hey-" he sits up "She wanted to come say hi" they keep their voices soft. "She did, did she?" He remarks, never letting a hint of sarcasm slip by "she did, I swear" Caitlin sasses him "Swearing in front of our daughter now?" He questions trying not to be loud "oh sush!" She almost breaks the quiet noise level, a teasing smile on his face...

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