Chapter 1-23

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He brings her to a park, there aren't many people here which is just perfect. "Now that wasn't that bad, was it?" He asks, she acts out of breath "Horrible. Just awful." She says with a straight face but can't hold in the laughs "I'm just kidding" she jokes around "Why the park?" She asks full of questions "why so many questions?" He sarcastically asks back "just follow me" he says and she listens "okay, one last request" ... "close your eyes". She closes her eyes and he picks her up, surprising her, taking her somewhere "okay, open"... She opens her eyes and sees she's at the top of a hill, a blanket beneath her feet.. "I don't know what to say" she says with a large smile "your smile is enough" he says as they both sit down and talk...
A few minutes later, mainly just Caitlin rambling away, Barry just admires her, when they hear a familiar but unfamiliar voice.
They look around but don't see anyone...

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