Chapter 2-15

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An hour or so in and business is now slow, taking a break she takes a call...

Arriving, finally figuring out where in Central City, CCJitters was, he's out of breath.  Not from running... He's nervous.
Walking up to the counter in a calm fashion, he fixes his hair but doesn't see Caitlin 'Did Cisco play me over?' he thinks to himself... 'Maybe I'll just ask' he walks up to Iris, practically butting 3 people in line...

Just as she thought, something went wrong. "Caitlin, sweetie" Nora's words concern her "Yes?" She asks hesitant through the phone "it's nothing to worry about..." Caitlin cuts her off "Is Danielle alright?" Her motherly instincts kick in "She's got a wicked cough, but she'll be okay, I just wanted to tell you" Caitlin starts to cry "Im coming home" she hangs up the phone.

A little annoyed with Barry's actions she asks him to go find his proper place in line "Wait..." He gets her to stop talking "You're cute, but that doesn't give you the means to butt in line" she glares at him "Is Caitlin here? Caitlin Snow?" He hopefully asks "I'm sorry, I can't answer that question" She can tell he's desperate through the look in his eyes so she gives in "She's in the back, idk when she'll be out" Barry thanks her and goes and sits at a table...
Holding her phone in her hand she almost drops it when she tries getting Iris's attention, turning around she almost immediately gives her a hug "oh honey... What's wrong?" She shuts out the customers....

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