Chapter 1-36

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She's sitting eating breakfast, Barry too but he's mainly just adoring 'his' Caitlin..
She finishes and puts her dishes away, she leans over Barry's shoulders and kisses his cheek, he holds up his phone "smile" he captures a picture, then turning to Caitlin and standing up "have I ever told you look incredibly cute?".
They go and get ready.. a couple minutes later he knocks on her door "dress warmly and bring a sweater, I'm taking you out" she smiles behind the door then moments later comes out.  Barry jokingly rolls his eyes "so that's where my sweater went" she laughs "I'm not getting it back, am I?" He asks while checking her out slightly "no way" she says matter of factly and then takes his hand and they go downstairs...
The seasons have changed immensely within the past few weeks, there's snow falling and the wind is biting but it's Caitlin's favourite season...
"It's snowing!" Cait gasps and Barry smirks "what?" She asks with a little laugh "nothing" he smiles "it's just.. every year when the snow falls it never ceases to amaze you" she smiles and time feels like it's been paused "so what exactly are we doing?" She asks curiously "do you trust me?" He asks thinking about it "of course" she agrees "Okay" he smiles "Hop on my back" he asks as his injuries have successfully healed, so she does without a doubt "Now close your eyes" she wraps her arms over his shoulders and around his neck, nuzzling her head beside his, then closing her eyes.

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