Chapter 1-56

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The next day is the same routine, Barry putting a smile on her face, Cisco picking her up for work, arriving just on time.
She talks to Wells about her situation with her parents and what happened last night, it goes well "Thank you for telling me Snow" she exits and gets back to work.
*It's been a hectic few days, things have seemingly settled but God knows that'll never last long... I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have* Caitlin jots down in her journal because everything has been going so downhill lately *Barry <3* she thoughtlessly doodles on the page.
Lunch is over and she's back to work, "This is phenomenal" Wells reads her lab report over her shoulder "Keep it up and you'll have your degrees sooner than you think" he congratulates Caitlin and leaves the room "Degrees?" She questions herself "I'm only here to get one degree" she blows off the thought, finishes her lab and goes to surprise text Barry, but he's managed to still beat her to it "5 Hours left, I miss you too" she smiles at her phone then puts it back down again.
Back at Barry's school he's 4 days away from getting his last credit for Graduation... "oh, and were going on a date tonight" he adds in last moment

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