Chapter 2-28

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"Hold that thought, Ill be back" she plants a kiss on his cheek after answering the reminder on her phone to check up on Danielle.
He smiles, genuinely appreciative, not even a teasing glint in his features as she grabs her stuff and leaves, "Earth to Barry" Cisco takes the pen out of his mouth, waving a hand infront of his face as he starts to ramble on
"A) I'm totally seeing that picture later,
B) Get on that treadmill and...
C) —"
Barry starts at a moderate pace, picking up speed, lightning flickering from every inch of him
"and.. C) You really love Caitlin, don't you?" Cisco finishes his questions as he monitors Barry's speed and Vitals; Barry closes his eyes.
Submerged in his mindless thoughts; Cisco notices as the numbers drastically increase on his monitor; Running, thinking, a smile growing on his face that matches the feeling of his heart beat... Invincible.
Maybe it was the soft touch of her lips on his cheek, the professional scientist behind her pay-back teasing, flickering memories of that same caring 6 year old, the one with brown, wavy hair, a selfless little girl that would always insist on reading and re-reading poems and novels with him while cheesily adjusting the position of her glasses on her face.. Possibly it was just the way the word 'Love' flowed perfectly beside her name... He didn't know.
Cisco sits intrigued, full attention on the monitor as he doesn't even try to hide his sheepish interest "He's about to hit the speed of sound" Caitlin exclaims "I know, he's never gone this fast" Cisco sits on the edge of his seat "this is incredible" she watches his mere shadow as all he looks like is a red blur...
A trance, blind to his environment, unlike he ever was before, the monitor can no longer trace his vitals, they're gone...

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