Chapter 1-17

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"can you stay with me?" She asks as he makes her lay down so she can get some rest "yeah, definitely" he says and kisses her forehead then falls asleep on the couch in her room....
Hours pass by and morning arrives, Barry leaves Caitlin to sleep in as it's the long weekend. He goes downstairs and makes breakfast only to end the meal to somebody knocking on the door. Nora and Henry come downstairs to check the door but Barry is already there. He opens the door to Ronnie, he tries speaking but Barry doesn't let him have a word... As soon as words come out of his mouth, Barry's fist makes contact with his face "You're not welcome here!" he yells at him and his parents rush down to him to restrain him but he doesn't allow it "Don't you ever show your face here again" he says angrily but Ronnie doesn't back off, he pushes Barry backwards but he doesn't fall "Leave!" Barry yells and pushes Ronnie backwards, off the step and onto the ground... He shuts the door and turns around to his parents in shock "what were you thinking?" They ask him "he hit Caitlin" Barry storms out of way and back up to Caitlins room, just in time for her waking up.
"I.. I met her in the hall last night" Nora turns to Henry "I asked her if she had fun" Nora begins trying to make sense of the situation but she can't... "I was too tired to notice, Henry why didn't I sense this?" She asks very worrisome about her 'daughter'
Barry sits on the couch and notices Caitlin wake up "Good afternoon" he says and sits by her on her bed "how are you feeling?" He asks softly because he cares about her "I'm okay.." she says and smiles a bit at Barry's attempt to make her feel okay "I'm going to get dressed now, you may want to turn around" she advises and he, being the gentleman he his, turns around. "I'm sorry you had to see me so weak last night" she says as she turns, her back facing Barry's.
Thinking she's done getting ready he turns back around only to view her back, but something was off...

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