Chapter 1-52

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"Oh" she takes a step back "I'm sorry" she apologizes "Can I help you?" She says as he was right outside her door "you look fairly familiar" she remarks. "Cisco, Cisco Ramon" he introduces himself and she recognizes the name "Star Laboratories" he extends a hand "nice to see you again Ms.Snow" she shakes his hand and gives him a confusing look "Oh, Dr.Wells asked me to pick you up for work" he says "oh gosh. I must look like a creep, did you not get the memo?" He says as she checks her phone "umm..." She sees a new email and reads it "yeah" she smiles "Thank you" she says kindly, no sooner getting in the car and arriving at Star Labs.
A lengthy walk from his parking spot, they arrive in the cortex "Welcome Miss Snow" Harry greets her "It's great to have a mind like yours here" he welcomes her to her own lab where she sets up her stuff. ..

The day has passed so fast and so excitingly for Caitlin, she picks up bag and puts away her lab coat, strung on the door knob before leaving. Caitlin is just about to exit the cortex when an older woman, who has to be in her early 40's, accidentally bumps into turn as she rounds the corner...

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