Chapter 2-2

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It's been 4 months since the accident with Barry, still hurting her, mentally breaking, she hasn't been to work since; She's gotten her degrees in Science & Mechanics but that's about it..
Her heart rate settles down, it wasnt a bad dream, it wasn't a nightmare.. it was a memory. A memory she wasn't willing to give up on, It's mid afternoon and she just can't do it, she's got the energy but there's no will power behind it.  She sits up and hugs Nora, talking about her dream and her times shared with Barry, the usual routine before getting up.
Caitlin is noticeabley thinner than she was before, nothing too concerning though. "If I leave do you promise to come downstairs?" Nora asks Caitlin, refusing her sadness to show, "I guess" Caitlin mumbles and keeps her eyes to the floor.  She stands infront of a mirror, pictures of Barry and her plastered along the edges, she puts her hands on her stomach but her expression just won't change, she lifts her shirt a little and looks at her stomach a little in the mirror "Atleast you're not too noticeable yet" she puts her shirt back down quickly as Nora knocks on the door to see if she's still coming "I'll be right there" Caitlin changes into jeans and loose clothing, hoping she can get away with this secret just a little bit longer...

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