Chapter 1-45

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They clear up what happened with their parents, maybe leaving out a few details of what happened before hand, but oh well... it's almost midnight so he brings her to bed and kisses her goodnight.  He sneaks back downstairs and cleans up the mess he made, the pillows the blankets, he shuts off the TV and takes out the movie. He comes back upstairs and brings her, her extra blanket; he puts it by her feet but slowly bringing it up to her shoulders where she can feel it but she doesn't want to open her eyes.
Morning comes, Barry gets up later, it's around Noon, to the feelings of somebody sitting on the edge of the bed "Morning sleepyhead" Nora says and he sits up "Morning Mom" he says and she touches her cold hands to back "mom" he groans because she's doing it to bother him "time to get up" she says and he looks at the clock and almost bolts out of his bed. He gets ready and comes downstairs "Caitlin you have to eat something today" He overhears Henry say as he enters the kitchen to her pushing away her food dish and getting up to leave when she bumps into Barry which turns into hug "not feeling well?" He asks with a concerned look at his parents but she can't see it "I feel fine" she pulls away from the hug with a little irritability in her voice as she tries walking away but doesn't make it far.  Barry rushes to her, aswell as Nora, she's holding her side, almost fully bent over in pain "Barry I need you to step back" Nora says seriously because she's a doctor, Barry listens, Nora gets Caitlin to sit down and knows instantly by where she's holding her stomach, what's going on...

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