Chapter 1-16

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Caitlin goes to her room and sits down, starting to cry... From his bedroom Barry could tell something was still off, so he gets up and quietly walks to hers, tapping on the door lightly to get her attention "Caitlin.." he whispers "Open up..." He says trying the door slowly but it's locked...
She slowly opens the door, feeling sick from moving and Barry instantly wraps his arms around her, walking in slowly, closing the door and standing against the wall hugging her. She tries to cry silently but Barry can obviously feel her shaking, her head pressed into his chest as he moves her slowly to the bed to sit down "Why does my friend care more about me than boyfriend?" She says sitting but leaning into Barry as they sit on the edge of the bed "How did you even know?" She says and wraps her arms around his torso "because when you truly love someone, you just know.." he says and fixes her hair from her face "What happened tonight?" He asks and noticeably feels her hug tighten as she becomes more shaky "I'll show you" she says and he instantly gets worried...
She gets up and makes her way to the light switch, taking a deep breath before she turns the lights on... She makes sure the door is completely shut, procrastinating, so Barry comes over and pulls her close to him, reaching behind her and flicking on the lights.
She pulls her hair out of her face and looks at Barry, his face fills with tears but he doesn't cry "he hit you" Barry says and she covers her face because she's embarrassed to let it have happened again, "I'm sorry" she apologizes and Barry just hugs her "don't be sorry, this wasn't your fault" he says and she hugs him back...

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