Chapter 1-59

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A reminder on his phone goes off "Grad - 5 Hours" he reads to himself "I forgot all about this" he speaks aloud but Caitlin doesn't know what is going on. He finishes his coffee and scrambles to his feet "I'm running out of time" he drops his phone, rushing upstairs to go get changed.  Her grabbing his phone and reading the notification she packs the game up quickly and goes to him afterwards, he almost bumps into her as she rounds the corner of his room.
Hair all messy and he can't for the life of him figure out how to tie a tie, she puts her hands on his collar and does it for him "How do I look?" He asks nervously "Like a hot mess" her subconscious mind speaks aloud "I mean..." She looks back up at him a little red faced, "Handsome, you look handsome" she finishes and keeps her hands on his chest a second before removing them "Thank you" he lets his heart settle and his face gives a reassuring smile before he gets down on one knee and takes her hand.... "Caitlin, will you"... He pauses and reaches for something in his pocket and all her mind can think of is a proposal "be my date to prom? He asks super last minute, she shakes her head sarcastically with a smile "Of course" she laughs and hugs him.

Later at graduation hes walking down the aisle, being the last one and Caitlin already having her hopes up from before. He silences the crowd as if it were planned and again gets on one knee, he looks boldly into Caitlins eyes and takes her hand "I'm cheap, My jokes are rusty and I'm a big dork... but Caitlin, you make me something else" he picks a ring from his pocket, everybody staring in anticipation "Will you marry me?" He asks as tears burst from her eyes and she says "Yes"...

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