'Your Generation Is Lazy'

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'Your generation is lazy, all you do is sit on your phones'. Hands up, how many people are so sick of adults telling them this?

I think what some adults don't realise is that I can do a variety of things on my phone that are productive.

'All you do is watch stupid videos on the Internet!'

No actually I'm watching a documentary which will help me in history. They can be so quick to assume things.

'All you do is text your friends. Why don't you just go and see them?'

Maybe cause they live like 1 hour and a half away from me. It's not like I can just go next door or down the road.

'You waste all your time on the Internet. You're so unproductive'

How would they know what I'm doing? I wouldn't say that writing is unproductive, in fact it's extremely productive. By being on my phone, I've been able to access sites like Wattpad which have honed my skills and now I'm succeeding in school in subjects like English.

Some adults need to understand that as a generation, we're growing up in a world that is technology based. My future job will involve technology. My future job will require me to have a good grasp of technology.

So stop telling me to get off my phone or that I'm lazy. Cause I'm actually just preparing for my future. Now let me get back to my cat video.

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