People On Buses

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I travel by bus pretty much anywhere I go. I live in a city where the buses come every two minutes and it's pretty much the quickest way to travel around. I would say that I'm a bus veteran, and I know how to travel a bus like a pro. I know all the tricks of the trade; trust me, after five straight years of travelling on two to three buses almost every day (that's over 1,800 days I'll have you know) I know everything about travelling on buses. You think you know how to travel on a bus, but you haven't travelled on a bus quite like me.

Anyway, after travelling by buses so many times I have come to the conclusion that people on buses are the absolute worst, and for some reason the bus I get is always full of some of the most annoying people on the planet.

There are the teenage girls that talk way too loudly for me to do anything (I can't really judge because that's what me and my friends do), the creepy old man who keeps staring at me, the baby who won't stop crying, the little kids who demand to sit at the front when I'm sat there. The list could go on so long, and honestly this rant could go on and on.

People on buses are just the worst. All I want to do is get from A to B, and yet I'm subjected to the most aggravating pick of society that I've ever seen. Anyway, just had to get that out of my system.

I'm also that kind of person who likes to keep lists on their phone about all the funny things that happen around me because I'm strange. So here are a few of my favourite things that I've heard on a bus (these are all 100% true, I couldn't write stuff like this).

'I asked them to remove the bunions off my foot'- an old lady felt the need to share with the whole bus about her last doctor's appointment.

'What a waste of a yacht!' - two teenage boys discuss what they would do with a million pounds.

And my absolute favourite...

'Honestly Sarah, if you punch him, he's going to punch you back' - this came from a wise-talking twelve year old on the way to school. Just imagine a squeaky-voiced, serious looking chipmunk-kid saying this.

I want to do some more serious rants, but sometimes I get a little stuck on what to rant about. Please leave some suggestions in the comments!

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