Falling Out of Love

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Recently I've found myself falling out of love with lots of things which used to be the centre of my universe. I'm not going to go as far as saying I've fallen out of love with life because let's be real, I'm having a pretty epic time being an ARMY and fangirling over Namjoon on the regular, but lots of other things have suddenly lost all their appeal.

Wattpad is the big one. It was always my pride and joy, the thing that I would look at and feel so happy that I'd come this far and I wanted to update books and post new content. Now, I put off checking it sometimes for days, mainly because I don't want to see the notifications reminding that I don't upload that much anymore.

I no longer read books on here so fast you'd think they were running out. I don't like checking my inbox. I feel wholly disconnected with this account, it's almost like me and howto_ are two very different people.

I've fallen out of love with reading to a certain extent. I'd rather watch YouTube videos for hours than read a single page. It doesn't give me that same buzz as before.

I've fallen out of love with school. It used to be some of the best times I had, where I would laugh till my stomach hurt with my friends and learn about stuff I cared about. Now it all just seems like traipsing from one lesson to the next.

I just feel so empty inside, and as cliche as this sounds the only times I ever get excited is when I'm watching BTS or sleeping (and eating good food). I've lost all interest in everything I once loved.

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