Short Term Happiness but Long Term Pain?

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So something quite big has happened in my life recently which has the potential to make me incredibly happy now but very sad in the future. The question I have to keep asking myself if whether this happiness is worth the pain that will follow.

So I've met a boy, which is a shocking fact in itself, and a boy who likes me and I like him. But in about 26 days he's leaving for 2 and a half months, and I only met him like two weeks ago. I just don't know whether I'll just be hurting myself if I continue things on further with him when I know that at some point he's going to be gone. I just don't understand why the universe has placed him in my life now when he's just going to be snatched from my grasp.

I guess this has made me question how I make my decisions. Should I just live in the moment more and work out logistics later on? I'm always the type of person to plan ahead, and I guess what's scary about this is I have no idea what will happen in the future. Spontaneous. That's what I need to be.

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