Terror Becoming The Norm

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This chapter is all over the place, I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind right now so I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense.

I remember a few years ago when the idea of terrorism was really shaking the UK, thinking that it it was impossible that anything like that could happen where I live.

And now when I reflect on the news, the recent bomb on the tube and how the country reacted to that, I am scared that terror is slowly becoming just another thing that happens. I remember the first attacks, how scared and sick we all felt, but how as more and more attacks happened we slowly became desensitised.

Maybe that's how we cope as humans; when faced with fear we turn it into normality so we can process it. It's so hard for me to imagine that in this beautifully, already problem-ridden country there are people plotting the next attack. They're not going to stop anytime soon. This is going to be normal life. Because the way we react matters, and so far a lot of people have reacted in the wrong way and that has spurred more people to do this type of horrible, heinous stuff.

I can't really express myself in words when I think about this topic, but I guess I can say that I'm not exactly shocked when I see things like this on the news anymore. And that hurts me inside because it means I'm now living in a world in which terrorism is being normalised and innocent people are dying due to some really f@&ked up people.

And while this happens the news likes to focus on what Trump is saying now, or what so-and-so wore to that red carpet event rather than the people being slaughtered like the Rohingya Muslims who are fleeing for their lives, or the people still living in a war zone in Syria, or the people starving due to a famine in Kenya.

Who cares if Trump tweeted something spelt incorrectly again? It's time this world opened its eyes and realised that as bad as Trump is, we have a whole host of other things happening right now that need urgent attention.

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