The Avoidance Of Colonialism In The Education System

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In my school at least (I can't talk on behalf of all the schools in the UK), we have never learnt about Colonialism in History. Ever. Never learnt about the British Empire, what it did to the countries it colonised, the way it treated the people there, etc etc. I personally believe that those parts of history are the ones which need to be talked about most, because otherwise people get weird perceptions of what the British Empire was actually like.

We never learn about the atrocities that occurred under Colonialism, or how it's majorly set back the development of so many countries. Instead it's one of those topics brushed under the carpet and not talked about. Maybe it's because it was so recent, maybe we're all just too ashamed to talk about it.

But look at Germany as an example. After the Holocaust, there have been so many museums built to honour the people who were killed, and practices put in place so that Nazism can never take over again. They are willing talk about it, and it's clear that they all feel a great sense of shame surrounding it but they still talk about it to acknowledge that it happened. There are no high profile museums about slavery or colonisation in the UK that I know of.

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