PE Teachers (Sports Teachers)

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So before we begin let me just tell you that I HATE sport. I don't mind exercise but I despise actual sports like swimming, hockey etc. But what I dislike even more than the sport itself are the PE (physical education) teachers.

It's kind of like they all want to see you humiliated and in pain simultaneously and devise the cruelest games for you to do. They hate all of your class except the ones who are actually good at sport, and tend to pick on you when they know you can't do something.

And while they're making us do a 30 minute run in the pouring rain, they're just stood under an umbrella in a coat, sipping on their coffee from a flask while looking at their phone screen. It's like they have no empathy for us.

I go to an all girls school, so whenever there is swimming in PE, quite a few people are off it because of... Do I need to explain? But whenever you're off swimming because of your lady problems, the swimming teachers just roll their eyes at us.

It's like the only reason any of them signed up to be teachers was to inflict pain on children.

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