My View On Slurs

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Now there are some topics that I feel slightly uncomfortable ranting about, things like racism, because although I have a lot to say about it, I don't want to 'speak' (I know this rant is typed so it's not literal speaking but you get the idea) over people who actually go through things like racism every day.

But I suppose I wanted to make this rant to almost test the water, because of course I want to make rants on things like racism, but I don't want to seem like I'm trying to speak over or act as if I understand what it feels like. I just want to point out the blatant vileness of some of the stuff going on around the world.

So I'm just going to state it plainly. Slurs are not ok. Racial slurs, homophobic slurs, slurs directed at religious groups, slurs directed at women- any slurs. If someone tells you that a word is offensive or upsetting to them- you don't get to use that word.

Slurs are disgusting things, they really are. And it's more disgusting that people use slurs in their everyday lives now, not understanding the history and pain that the word holds.

I think the more I educate myself about other people's lives, and learn about the history behind some words, it makes me feel so horrible and dirty for ever using them before. I think everyone should educate themselves on slurs before they say them, because I can assure you that when you do your research you'll find out that you don't want to be associated with words so hateful.

Request any topics you want me to rant on!

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