Trying To Fit In

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We've all tried to fit in with something at one point in our lives. I've been doing it all my life whether I like it or not, I guess I like to feel like I belong somewhere. I've changed myself multiple times to 'fit in' with the people around me, and discarded parts of myself that didn't match everyone else.

It wasn't until this year that I've decided to be unapologetically who I am, and still now I find myself following what everyone else is doing. It seems so absurd when you step back and realise that you've been copying someone else to try and blend in. Why blend in? What's the fun in that?

Social media, our friends, and so many other things influence the things we do and the way we look, and crumpling and conforming is easy for even the strongest of souls. Not following what is mainstream can be hard, and it feels like you're missing out on some big joke that you're not included in.

Wear what you want and find your own passions. Life is so much more fun when you follow your heart rather than other people's.

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