Is there a reason you're in my bed? (G callen x Sam Hanna)

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The boys have been undercover for a month, well they were till they'd got captured and thrown into a basement together.

Flashback - 3 days ago

" Alright, Greg , don't forget to pick up milk on your way home," Jason reminds his boyfriend. Greg rolls his eyes and stands up having finished tieing up his laces "I know Jace " he tells his partner as he takes a step closer, "you've told me twice already" he complains to his companion as he pulls him down and kisses him. Jason pulls him closer and cups his cheek before pulling back slightly to talk "that's cause you'll forget if I didn't" he teases as his hands wander over his boyfriend's ass. Greg gasps allowing Jason to take control of their kiss. Greg pulls Jason closer so that their whole bodies were touching. Jason soon ended the kiss but strokes Greg's back "come on, I got enough time to drop you off if you hurry up" he tells him . Greg smiles and turns in his arms and walks off making sure to brush against Jason, he then grabs his bag of belonging he needed for the day and turns round again "lets go hot-stuff, " he says as they head downstairs.

G groans and pulls himself into a sitting up position. He looks round and almost panics seeing Sam laying on the floor unmoving , almost unmoving, his chest was moving. G takes stock of his own body. His head hurt, so he probably had a headache at worst, his chest hurt, he figured that was just bruising, and his wrists stung ,well that was because of the chains. G frowns "okay, so I'm tied up " he mummers unhappily as he pushes away a memory as it surfaces. He looks around the room, seeing nothing useful he turns back to Sam, who still hadn't woken. He swallows and calms himself down telling himself it was okay.

G wasn't sure how long passed till Sam was groaning and pulling himself up. He watches as Sam gazed around the room and looks about before landing on him. "How are you feeling?" G asks carefully sitting on the edge of the bed he was on. Sam groans "like I was hit by a truck,definitely," he tells him as he sits up. Like G did, Sam takes stock of his definitely had a concussion, his chest and back hurt , he had to have had been beaten up, his hands and face stung and were swollen slightly. Slowly, he stands up and uses the wall so he doesn't fall down, he walks over to the bed where G was. He lowers himself on to the bed and groans "you remember what happened?" He asks cautiously. G shakes his head negatively " the last thing I remember is going to work," he says. Carefully, G stroked Sams back "what about you.?" He asks Sam shakes his head, "the same, " he says bitterly. The older of them turned to face G, his fingers gently stroked along his cheek "it'll be okay," he tells him, he smiled sadly seeing his boyfriend nod.

" Well, well , well isn't that touching," a male state as he walks into their dimly lit room through a door in front of the bed. The man was about 6' ft tall and was rather muscular , his arms were covered in tattoos. Sam gets up ready to fight "oh ii wouldn't do that Jason" he teases as he pulls out the gun from his waist band. Three more guys enter the room, all of them around the same height as the first guy. All three of them went for Sam and shoved him down before holding him there, Sam struggled. "Leave him alone " G growls at them making the first man to laugh and step over to him. G shudders when the man places his hands on his thighs "don't worry sweetheart, I'll take good care of you," he smirks as he rubs his thumbs up over his thighs towards G's manhood, realising this G struggles and kicks the guy, who backs off. "You see , i know you two aren't who you say you are " the man comments as he gets up "and as the boss i don't like that," he says moving over to Sam and forcing his chin back. "I like being in charge and having my own way," he says, "but i am a nice guy, I do like having my guys have some fun," the boss comments as he pats on of the guys on the back " Brutus, Doctor and Crusher , are my favourite workers , they are very loyal to me," he says "Brutus, go grab the box of toys," the boss commands and smirks when the other man does as he's told. "Now, you can tell me everything i want to know, or i can start playtime," he tells them. Sam snorts "we wont tell you anything" , he grunts when Brutus hits him in the jaw "very unwise " Boss says shaking his head setting the box on the floor "have fun boys " he comments, he leaves the room hearing the beating going on.

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