"Are you kidding me", "Last time I'll ask you for a favour"

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  Steve looks at Tony and shakes his head, looking at his shield with a half look of amusement and half look of annoyance, "This is the last time i'll ask you for a favour," he tells him, them both knowing that it wouldn't be the truth, as he reaches out and grabs the shield that had glitter on the star, the whole shield had been repainted due to the newest scuffle with agents of hydra. As he lifted the shield up, Steve jumped away, dropping the shield, "Are you f****ing kidding me, Tony?!" he asks as the glitter came right of and stuck to his skin. Tony flat out laughed at Steve's pediment, enjoying seeing him so annoyed "Language Captain!" Tony tells him with a laugh as he picks the iconic shield up and hands it over, "Now get outta my lab," he says to the Captain as he ushers him out, Dummy whizzing past the two of them so he can clean up the spilled glitter.  

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