"You need to wake up because I can't do this without you." ( Loki X OC)

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Loki thought the whole war between Captain America and Iron Man, over the Winter Soldier, was pointless and a huge waste of time, and he could have been using that time for more appropriate things, such as reading. The war was no longer about the Sokovia Accords but about the Soldier and he thought it was all completely unproductive, and it maddened him when you were dragged into the fight, brought in from your mission to be involved and you wanted nothing to do with, and they practically forced you to chose a side. You tried to mediate, telling them they had more important things to worry about, like the Accord: still, they continued to fight, dragging you into it.

Loki got angry when you got hurt, bad enough that you ended up in a coma, and yet the battle continued, until he froze everyone to the spot, but allowed them to be able to hear, Loki told them how stupid their fight was, how Seargent Barnes was a victim and how they already had two casualties of their fight more so, they should be focused on the Accords and then he released them, getting you and Rhodes to the hospital. Thankfully both sides came to their senses and they stopped fighting.

Loki stayed with you whilst you were in the hospital, not wanting to leave you in fear that your condition might change whilst he wasn't by your side. He sat on the provided chair for hours on end, reading and keeping an eye on you, reading passages from the book Naïve Super by Erland Loe. As he read another passage, his voice trailed off, his green eyes turning from the book to your prone body and he swallowed, "Wake up love. You need to wake up because I can't do this without you. I'm no longer sure how to.... I need you," he discloses softly unable to take the silence any longer and needing you to know how much he needs you. You didn't stir, unsurprisingly.

You stayed in the same condition for several days before you started to recover, when you did finally come around, Loki was still by your side, he had showered and changed, but he was still sitting on the chair, reading from another book, and Ernest Hemmingway novel this time, but his focus went to you as soon as you made an indication that your situation had changed. "Hey," he said as he set the book down, giving you his full attention, checking you over, taking your hand between his own, "How are you feeling?" he asked and you wetted your lips and smiled slightly, "I'm okay, a little sore, but okay," you answer honestly as you squeeze his hand, you hear his audible sigh of relief as if it were your own, "I'm glad," he tells you.

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