Requested* Thomas Sangster x OFC -I have loved you for a thousand years.

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Trailing behind Thomas, Ki and Dylan into the hotel elevator, Ashley found herself lightly tapping her fingers on her camera strap as she watched the numbers on the elevators panel light up as they passed the floors. Quietly sighing, she adjusted her bag and reached for her suitcases handle, twisting it lightly, despite how long she had been travelling with the cast of The Maze Runner, hotel elevators still weirded her out. A ding announces their arrival on the floor, even though Ashley couldn't hear it. Seeing the guys grab their stuff and move towards the doors, she tightens her grip on her belongings, and once again, trails behind the guys as they leave the elevator. Checking the numbers as she passed the doors, she finds her room and unlocks it, waving to the men before heading inside, shutting and locking the door behind her.

Later that night found Ashley sitting on her bed un her Pj's as she scrolled through social media, the vibration of her phone caused her to divert her attention to the notification, where she read her newest text. After a moment of re-reading the message, she stood up and headed for the door, peering through the peephole, and seeing it was Thomas, she unlocked it, opening it for him.

"What's wrong?" she asked worriedly ushering him in, as she saw the tears in his eyes. Clumsily signing, Thomas manages to inform her about how his girlfriend had just broken up with him. Despite being in love with him, she felt bad for him, as he clearly cared for her and was hurt by the breakup. Giving him a sad smile in return, she signs as she talks. "I am sorry Thomas," she tells him as she motions him to her bed, the only place for them to sit. Sitting beside him she reaches out to hug him, letting it last a little while as he leans into her, holding back tears.

Eventually, he pulls back, and Ashley hands him some tissues. "It's going to be okay," she tells him, focusing more on her hands than on his face, "you can find better, someone who really cares about you, and wouldn't hurt you like that," she adds on, glancing up to his face, his forehead wrinkled a little in concentration as he mentally translated her signs into words.

Giving her a weak smile, he thanks her, concentrating to make sure he used the right signs, the ones she had taught them during the long days of travelling together. "I don't know if anyone would actually treat me like that," he admits, risking fumbling in his haste to get the words across to her. "I would," she tells him, then winces slightly as her cheeks flush with colour at her own blunt admission.

Thomas smiles a little at her comment, raising his gaze to meet her eyes. "You already do," he signs back before he reaches over and squeezes her hands lightly. "Will you wait? Until I am ready to date again?" He asks, understanding what she had said, and meant. With a huff of laughter, she signs, once again as she talks. "Of course I will. I will wait as long as needed."

Thomas smiles before he leans over to kiss her cheek softly, "Thank you." After a moment he clears his throat and signs again, "I should go, we could both use a good nights rest," he tells her, standing up.

"Goodnight Thomas. I am a text away if you need me, otherwise, see you tomorrow," she tells him, waiting to when they were both standing at the door so she could sign at him as she talked. Leaning forward, she kisses his cheek before showing him out, waving when he turned back to look at her, before she shut and locked the door, a smile appearing on her lips, even as she blushed and headed to bed, a squeal escaping her mouth as she buried her head in to the pillow, still a little shocked that she had actually admitted her feelings to him.

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