Requested* "Where the f*ck did that clown come from?" (Sam Winchester & OFC)

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There had been a series of murders in a small town, each of them increasingly stranger than the last, yet they all were connected and you could tell by the way in which the bodies were set out. Sam, Dean and Maxine, or Max as she liked to be called, especially by her brothers, headed out to the small southern town where the killings were taking place. As always, Dean was driving, whilst Sam sat shotgun and their sister sat in the back, they were talking about the case as they pulled into the cheap motel. Dean pulled the car into a parking space, before climbing out with his siblings, the three of them grabbing their bags and heading to the front desk and getting a key to two rooms, their usual sleeping arrangements. Sam made sure that his sister was situated before heading to his room with Dean and dropping in bed, not even bothering to change.

It took the three Winchesters almost two weeks and six bodies before they found the creature that had been doing the killing. Dean decided, that upon seeing the carnival to drag his siblings there, he made sure that his baby was safe in the make shift lot before they walked in. "Come on guys, how often do we get to do something fun?" Dean says to them as he looks around the surprisingly large Carnival, earning a groan but agreements from the other two. "Fine, but we better not spend the whole night eating or going to the stupid games," Max says to her eldest brother in annoyance, earning a laugh, "Deal," he says to her.

The trio spent a great deal of time at the carnival, all having a really good time, riding the rides, snacking on sugary junk food and Dean winning his younger siblings stuffed animals from the rigged games. After an enjoyable few hours, the three of them started to head for the exit, when Max suddenly exclaimed horrified "Where the f*ck did that clown come from?" when she saw a clown standing motionlessly by the exit. Sam made a noise of horrified disgust when he too spied the thing. Dean laughed at their reactions and shakes his head before sipping from his water bottle, "He was part of the gazebo we didn't go to, you know, housing the clowns and such" he says amused as he goes through the exit, heading for his car, needing some sleep, he does wait for his brother and sister though, who rush through. "I hate clowns," Sam says, checking to make sure they weren't followed as he heads for the car, throwing a protective arm around Max who nods her agreement, "I know what you mean," she says creeped out as she heads to the car, the three of them climbing in and heading for the hotel. "Could I, can I stay with you guys tonight?" she asks and Dean chuckles, "Sure Maxi" he tells her.

Whilst Maxine went to grab some clothes, Sam and Dean changed and got ready for bed, Dean grabbed the door for his sister when she knocked and let her in. Sam grinned at her but allowed her to climb into his bed, something that had happened on more than one occasion, heck the three of them had shared beds more than once. Eventually, the three of them climbed into their beds and went to sleep.

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