Requested* That's what family's for.(Dean and OFC)

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Prompts: "Everything's going to be fine." & "Hey, I'm with you, okay? Always." 

    Despite the fact that Sam and Dean, Dean especially, had been on hundreds of hunts, Maxine couldn't help but worry about her brothers. She hated when they went hunting, she always feared that one day they wouldn't come back to her, and on more than one occasion, it had happened, Dean had gone to hell, Sam had gone to hell, kind of, both boys had died, they had been beaten God only knows how many times. Irrespective of the fact that Max also hunted, her nightmares seemed to centre around losing her brothers.

Her night started off as normal, she did her nightly routine, said good night to her brothers before heading to bed. After sleeping for a few hours, her peaceful sleep soon turned fretful, nightmares plaguing her. She was soon whimpering and thrashing in her bed before she jerks awake, tears sliding down her cheeks.

Dean, being a light sleeper, heard the noises coming from his baby sister and was almost instantly awoken, moving over to her. "Hey," he says to her, "Nightmare?" he says, though he knew it was and wasn't sure if she wanted his help, seeing her nod though, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head before sitting on the edge of her bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" he questions as he holds his sister as he makes sure that she was covered so she didn't get cold. Swallowing, she shrugs slightly before telling him about the nightmare, the fear of losing both of her brothers and being left alone and as she starts to talk she starts to panic, "Hey...Hey, im with you, okay. Always" he tells her as he holds her closer and rocks her gently, "Everything's going to be okay," he tells her softly, "Nothing is going to happen to me, nor Sam," he says.

Max wraps her arms around her brother, holding onto him tightly and burying her head into his shoulder. Only briefly lifting her head when she heard someone walk into the room. She gave her other brother a half smile. Sam joined them, having heard her have a nightmare as well but let Dean calm her down. Sam joins her on the bed and kisses her head lightly. "Dean's right, everything's going to be okay," he says to her as he watches her cuddle back into their eldest sibling. It didn't take long for their only sister to fall asleep, and a shared look between the brothers made them simply rearrange themselves in the bed, before turning off the light, letting their sister know she wasn't alone.

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