Requested* OFC x Wanda - Evolving Love.

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"Hey," a voice says, making Ella jump and turn around, a blush forming on her cheeks when she notices Wanda, standing at the kitchen doorway.

"Hi," Ella squeaks flustered and a little nervous, before her powers kicked in, turning her invisible, which was a bit of a relief for Ella, but also a bit of a disappointment as it meant she couldn't talk to her teammate.

"Wow," Wanda utters as she looks at the spot where moments prior, her newest teammate had been standing. "That is so cool!" the Scarlett Witch says, realising it was a little odd not to see the person she was talking to but shrugged it off.

"I figured it was about time I properly introduced myself," Wanda carries on, not worried about not receiving a response, she had been informed by some of the others that their newest member turned invisible when nervous. "I'm Wanda, I too, haven't been here long, but everyone has been really nice to me, so that's been great," she goes on, "They've also been really good about helping me get full control of my powers and getting the English language down," she trails off for a moment, before smiling when Ella comes back into view, she was still blushing, but didn't look as apprehensive as she had the moment before her powers had activated.

"Hi," Ella says shyly, "Thanks for not freaking out," Ella says giving the other woman a small, timid smile, as she leans back against the counter, hands tugging on her cardigan's sleeves.

"Are you kidding? Your power is awesome!" Wanda says smiling excitedly as she walks further into the kitchen. "I tell you, sometimes I wish I could be invisible, it would be pretty cool," she tells her.

"Thanks, it's both a blessing and a curse," she responds, most people were a little weirded out by her ability to disappear, not liking the idea of someone creeping up on them. "I erm... I was going to make lunch... Do you want to help?" Ella asks.

"Sure," Wanda says as she steps closer to her, standing side by side with the newest member of the Avengers, helping her in preparing lunch, as she started up a conversation with her.

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