Requested* Tony DiNozzo & OMC - I know it's safe in your arms.

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Mentions of; shootings, blood and death.

"Alright, Split up. DiNozzo's you pair up, McGee you're with me," Gibbs tells his team, motioning to the brothers, Blade and Tony, to head down the right corridor whilst he took McGee down the left one. The two groups soon spread out, moving down their respected hallways, clearing rooms as they went. Tony follows behind his brother, despite being higher in ranking, his older brother still protested about being the first one into a room, he wouldn't admit it, but it was to keep his younger brother safe.

As soon as the brothers entered the last room in the hallway, a shot rang out, making Tony grip his gun tighter as he scanned the dark room, he raised his weapon upon finding his target. "NCIS, Hands where I can see them!" He calls out aiming his weapon at the silhouetted person, hearing another shot, he dived to the side, taking his brother with him. Raising up again, Tony took three shots, each one hitting it's intended target on their shooter. Lowering his weapon again, he went and checked on the body, kicking the gun away before raising his gun and turning as the light turned on.

A gasp escaped his lips as he noticed the blood staining his older brother's shirt. "Blade!" He says somewhat panicked, as he returned to his brother's side. Pressing his microphone, he told Gibbs and McGee that their suspect was down and that he needed an ambulance. Sinking to his knees alongside his brother, he pressed his brother's hands into the wound, hoping to stem the blood flow.

"Stay with me Blade," Tony tells him, to which Blade chuckles, wetly as blood speckled his lips. Leaning into his younger brother, Blade held the wound, and some part of him knew the shot had been fatal. A sharp stinging of his cheek made him open his eyes again, even though he hadn't realised that he had closed them. "Come on Blade, your tougher than this, keep your eyes open," Tony pleaded, "You're going to be okay," Tony repeats, tears welling in his eyes, noticing how pale his brother was, and how he was responding sluggishly.

"You promised Blade," Tony chokes out, glancing up as he feels someone enter the room, Gibbs walked over, kneeling beside the fallen agent, Tony didn't pay much attention to it as he was focused on his brother. "You promised not to leave me Blade," Tony murmurs painfully as he held his brother.

"I'm sorry Tones," Blade tells him, turning his hand to hold his brothers. "It's going to be okay, kid," he tells him, using what little strength he had left, to wrap his arm around his younger brother. "I'm proud of you. I always have been," he tells him, voice cracking before quieting, his body slumping as the life left him.

"Blade!" Tony exclaims feeling his brother stop breathing, and managing to get his body to cooperate, he laid his brother down, starting a futile attempt at CPR on him. Feeling a hand pull him back, Tony struggled slightly as Gibbs pulled him away, allowing the Medics to get a look at the other man.

Not two minutes later, it was called, Blade DiNozzo was dead. Tony did nothing to stop the sob from escaping as he gazed down at his now dead brother. "Blade," he chokes out brokenly, "you promised," he chokes, letting Gibbs manoeuvre him out of the way, turning him so that the youngest DiNozzo could bury his head into his boss's shoulder as his body trembled with silent sobs. "He promised Gibbs, he promised not to leave me," he manages to get out, unsurprised, but grateful, when his boss simply held him tighter, letting him cry as people started swarming the scene, including Jimmy and Ducky, NCIS's Medical Examiners.

"We will take good care of him, Tony," Jimmy says, somewhat awkwardly patting his friend's shoulder before walking over to the fallen agent, saying a silent prayer as he kneeled down to cover him. Swallowing his own sadness and grief, Gibbs lead Tony out of the building, to the car, knowing his Senior Field Agent needed him more than he needed to be supervising.

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