"Don't you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!" (Sam & Dean)

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Dean pulls his jacket closer around his body as he shivers, they had just finished a hunt for vampires in a small town, and he was now currently waiting for his baby to fill up with gas. Fort Collins,Colorado was not a bad place for the two boys to have hunted in, in fact, it was rather a beautiful city, it was just frigid and very snowy. "Is it done yet?" Sam calls as he carefully climbs out of the car and gripping hold of the roof to stable himself so he doesn't fall over in the snow and ice. Dean huffs a laugh "almost " he tells his little brother, amusement clouding his voice as his brother walks around to his side almost slipping "Man, I hate snow" Sam comments but checks the pump number and gingerly made his way to the dingy building and inside to the warmth.

Sam comes back out with a carrier bag containing some junk food and energy drinks. With a slight smirk, he sets the bag on top of the car before making a snowball from the dirty snow from the ground. Dean, upon noticing the bag reached over and grabs a drink from it but pauses seeing his baby brother's expression "No," Dean says, "Sam don't even think about it" he says as he sets the drink back down and backs up, glad he had taken the fuel hose out of the car "Sammy doesn't you da.." he yelps as the cold ball of snow hits him in the face , "Oh, you are so on" he exclaims as he bends down scooping up a bunch of snow and making several snowballs and ambushing his brother.

Laughing, both boys continue to throw snowballs at each other till they were both red in the face and shivering from the cold. The boys shook as they dived into the car, Sam grabbing the bag with frozen hands as they move. Dean turns on the engine and drives off, blasting the heat from the vents. The younger of the two men grabs two of the drinks and uncaps them handing one over to his elder counterpart. It had been a long time since either of them had had that much fun. These days they were more focused on getting the job done than they were about being brothers, and when they weren't hunting they were sleeping, eating or moving from one place to the next, they never had they opportunity to just be brother like they use to back before hunting demons became a regular thing, back before the angels, hell , the blood sucking and the rest of it all. Back when it was the two brothers, the Impala, the road and putting to rest ghosts, back when they could count on each other no matter what. Right then , both men decided to try harder, to try to have a little more of that brotherhood they use to have.

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