Requested* Vision x Wanda & OFC - Family grows. Family Loves.

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  WARNINGS: Mentions of Adoption. Some Infinity War movie. AU. 

 Grace nervously bites her lip as she peers around the corner of the door frame to watch as her adoptive parents, Wanda and Vision talk, ducking back into her room, Grace walks over to her paint set, and sitting down, facing the door, she began to draw her new parents, and herself. Hearing someone coming, she quickly hides the drawing and lifts her head, to spot Wanda enter her room. "Hey Dušica (Sweetheart-Serbian)," Wanda greets, smiling softly at the little girl.

"Hi," Grace replies, "Everything okay?" she asks noticing the look on her face. Giving her adopted daughter a sad smile, Wanda nods, "I need you to pack your things Dušica, we are going to be leaving shortly," Wanda tells her, entering her room further and crouching in front of her to speak to her. "Okay," Grace says softly as she pushes herself up and grabs her roll-on suitcase, starting to pack her things, with the help from the Sokovian woman.

After packing, Wanda leads Grace out into the living room, letting her sit there for a short while, whilst she helped Vision pack their things. Done with that, they head out with Grace. The small family move through Edinburgh, the two Avengers checking constantly around them, worriedly, until Wanda catches sight of a TV in a shop, walking over, she watches as the news show an alien space ship in New York. Slightly panicked, Vision lifts Grace into his arms, leading Wanda through the streets to the train station, only to stop suddenly when something pierces through him, causing him to drop the human facade he wore and his daughter, who yelps upon landing on the floor.

"Vision!" Wanda exclaims, jumping into action, only to be thrown through a window. Barely containing a scream of terror, Grace scrambles into the alleyway between two nearby buildings where she slaps her small hand over her mouth as she cries silently, wanting Wanda and Vision.

Fighting back, Vision and Wanda managed to get free of the two Aliens and they then grab Grace from her hiding spot and fleeing for the train station. As Wanda prepared to fight again upon seeing the aliens, she gasps in relief when she notices Steve, Natasha and Sam appear to help them.

Eventually, the team get free from the aliens, scaring them off and the group head for the Quin-jet, where Wanda cradles their seven year old, who was crying in fear, her face buried into Wanda's chest as her small hands clinging to her jacket.

"Who is the child?" Sam asks curiously as he watched the couple, and the way Vision leaned on Wanda, helping comfort the small child. "Her name is Grace, she is ours," Vision tells him, doing his best to not let the pain he was feeling show, not wanting to scare their daughter any more than she was.

Arriving back at the Avengers Compound, they meet up with Rhodes, who was shocked to see them, but even more shocked to see a child with them. As they hash out a plan, Pepper turned up, surprised, and still a little angry at seeing the Rogues, though she hides it for the sake of the small girl, who was half asleep on Vision's shoulder, clinging to his jumper, having worn herself out from crying.

The Avengers decide to take the fight away from the compound and try to remove the infinity stone from Vision's head, so they head for Wakanda, but not before a teary goodbye between Grace, Wanda and Vision. Pepper decided to stay behind to look after the small girl, and silently worry about her fiance, whilst doing her best to keep the young child occupied and not thinking about what was happening and where her adoptive parents were.

In Wakanda, the Avengers fight the Black Order and the Outriders. The team make a shocking win when Thor shows up with Stormbreaker, the God killing Axe. Everyone is astounded by how suddenly it is all over, yet they are all glad for it to be over, even if there was still nervous energy and worry surrounding the group, especially about those who they hadn't seen, such as Tony. Shuri manages, with the help of Wanda, to repair Vision's body, and to both Vision and Wanda's relief, they return with the other Avengers to the compound, where their daughter was waiting.

Vision had shifted back to his human form, preferring it, especially now he had a child. Walking in with Wanda, and the rest of the team, they head for the living area, only to be sidetracked when they hear their daughter in the kitchen, giggling. Pausing in the doorway, the newish parents smile as they see their child standing on a chair, helping Pepper bake cookies, occasionally stealing some of the cookie dough from the newest batch of cookies to eat.

Noticing how Pepper had paused and was staring behind her, over her head, Grace turned around, careful not to fall off the chair, a smile forming on her lips as she noticed Wanda and Vision. Carefully jumping off the chair, Grace runs over to the two of them, throwing herself into their arms. "I missed you," Grace cries as she clings to them, letting Vision lift her in his arms, her own small arms wrapping around his neck in a hug before she is shifted, and she is able to give Wanda a hug as well.

"I have missed you, dragocen (Precious-Serbian)," Wanda tells her, brushing some of the caramel coloured hair from the little girl's face, showing her forest green eyes.

"I missed you too," the little girl says before blurting, "Please don't go again Mama," making Wanda's eyes widen in surprise, yet happiness. "Never again devojčica, (Baby girl- Serbian)" Wanda agrees, as she pulls the little girl into her arms, holding her close to herself, pressing a kiss to her temple as she rubs her back. Vision places a hand on to the back of her head, watching lovingly as his two favourite women hug, he could feel the excitement and happiness coming from Wanda at being called Mama, and Vision could tell he was anxious to hear their daughter call him Papa.

"Me and Miss Pepper are making cookies, it's fun," Grace tells them with a smile as she wiggles down to go to the counter, where the cooling cookies, from their first batch, was sitting. "Can I have a cookie, Miss Pepper?" She asks politely, beaming when she is handed one, she then walks back to her adoptive parents and breaks the chocolate chip cookie into pieces to offer some to her parents, and then shyly, she hands some to the other Avengers, before rushing back to her parents, happily wrapping her arms around her Papa as she munched on the remains of the cookie, cuddling into him, glad to have them both home.

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