"Have you lost your damn mind?!" Quicksilver X OC

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You weren't sure how you got into this situation, or more accurately, you weren't sure why Pietro dragged you into the situation that he was in, you suppose that he was in one of those moods and was just annoying everyone, he had decided it would be fun to use his super speed to 'borrow' peoples belongings and hide them in other peoples rooms, or in the lounge, you weren't sure the purpose of it, or why they thought you were involved.

You had been sitting on the sofa on the communal floor when Pietro had come speeding in, a grin on his lips and Hawkeye's quiver in his hand. "Have you lost your damn mind?! If he catches you with that, he will actually maim you," you warn him, though you knew he would deserve whatever injury he occurred for his childish behaviour. "No, he won't hurt me, he has to catch me first," he says with a smirk as he disappears to hide the arrows before returning to sit with you.

Somehow, he had done a similar thing to everyone in the tower, and because you were with Pietro, who had gotten caught in the act, you had told him, you had also gotten the blame, and had angry Avengers chasing you, well, Pietro who was carrying you.

I've only got one shot.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora