Drabble- 33 % ( Mac Taylor & Scarlett Taylor)

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Vaguely based on the episode where Mac builds a 'bomb' in the lab. Scarlett Taylor is Mac's 13-year-old daughter, she stays at the lab after school.

Mac frowns at the computer and clicks the mouse , scowling in frustration when it says there is a technical error. "Scar,can you come take a look for me," he asks his daughter who chuckles and gets up leaving her book on the sofa and comes round the desk and takes a look. She soon frowns discovering the servers mainframes had been cut "someone's cut off the server to the internet" she tells him. "Why would someone do that?" Mac asks confused "more then likely so you can't get a message out to anyone" she says, lifting the phone and shaking her head hearing nothing "taken out the phones too" she lets him know before she stands up and turns to look out the window, she see the building with power on as well as their own lights "it's not a powercut" she quietly says before an alarm starts up and they're saying they need to evacuate because of a gas leak. Scarlett looks at her dad "that ain't a coincidence " she insisted as she watches as everyone else packs up and leaves the lab." This isn't good" she comments softly , they were the only two on the floor.

Between the two of them, they work out that whoever was coming was after the large stash of drugs that had been collected. They were certain that they were the only ones in the building. Scarlett's eyes widen when she sees six guys step off the elevator dressed in contaminent suits. She quickly drops into a crouch along side her dad. "What do we do?" She asks worriedly as she looks to her dad for guidance. "We protect ourselves, " Mac tells her reaching over and stroking her cheek. "You remember how to shoot ?" He asks her, seeing her nod he hands over his back up peice,whilst he gets his main from he draw of his desk, "So you got a plan?" She queries, her dad laughs "I've got 33% of a plan" he quipes to her. "Still better than no plan. What is it?" She questions as she carefully peers out round the desk. She watches them briefly, reading their lips " we take them out" Mac replies. She ducks back behind the desk "there gonna search this floor, and there is apparently someone down in autopsy" she briefs him as she turns the safety off the gun. "If I give you a list of things and where to get them, do you think you could bring them up to the balcony?" He asks. Scarlett nods her head making Mac smile. Then he goves her several things to collect and where to get them from. The teenager nods her head and quietly slips out the back of Macs office and round.

She manages fo get the first few items without much hassle but it's the next few that cause difficulty for her. Scarlett gasps softly when shes yanked back roughly, she gulps seeing one of the men, she kicks him where the sun doesn't shine and fights with him, gasping for air in shock as her dad knocks him out. Mac reaches out and rubs her cheek "you did good sweetheart" Mac says quietly and grasps her hand and leads her out before they split up. Scarlett grabs the last few things, having to shoot someone and then getting to the balcony. Her hands were shaking as she sets the stuff down. She points the weapon when she hears someone coming, she lowers it seeing her dad, even though he was bleeding. "You've done great baby" he promises her as he kneels beside her making sure she was harmed. Realising she wasn't he turns to the stuff they had both collected. He sets his gun down and gets to work

Scarlett swallows watching her dad and their surroundings, she sits up hearing quiet steps , she aims the gun again and places her finger in the trigger and sighs seeing Sheldon Hawks, the ME come CSI. "What are you doing here?" She questions quietly as she lowers the weapon. "I didn't think there was an actual leak. I was right, someone came in for a body. I took them out" he says gently taking the gun from her. He watches Mac a little surprised "are you.." Mac interrupts "yeah" he says to him. "Take Scar and get out of here " Mac says. "No way, I'm staying " Scarlett tells him , Mac looks at her sharply "no you're not" he says. Hawk nods and stands pulling her up and leading her to the stairs as she tries to break free. "Your dads gonna be fine " Sheldon promises. Realising she wasn't going to win she goes willingly. The cold air slaps her in the face as she steps outside.

Scarlett gasps grabbing Sheldon's arm as the Crime Labs floor explodes, the glass showering everyone outside and cutting several people, Scarlett included. She chokes on a sob when she sees her dad walk out if the building. His top was a little sooty, his arm bleeding but he was alive. She rushes over to him and throws herself into his arms as a sob breaks threw her lips and she tightens her grip on him. "I am okay sweetheart " he promises as he squeezes he'd softly. "My third of a plan worked, " he tells her with a small smile as she smacks him in the chest lightly.

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