Requested* Steve Rogers x Reader - So lucky to be loving you.

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Steve sighs as he pushes open the front door and quietly shutting it behind him. Leaning against the door for a moment, he sighed quietly before taking a deep breath, a small smile appearing upon smelling lunch, clearly, his beloved wife had made lunch and he had once again missed it due to being sent on a mission. Deciding wallowing wasn't worth the effort, he pushed himself away from the door, heading to the kitchen but stopping, a soft voice could be heard singing down the hall, recognising it as his wife, he smiled and followed the voice, pausing in the nursery doorway. Mouthing the words of a song he knew well, a song his mother sang when he was young and he had sung to his wife when she had been sick.

" and time after time, you'll hear me say that I'm so lucky to be loving you," he murmured along quietly before singing the words aloud, joining his wife as she was placing their twins back into their cribs. Reaching out, he places his hand on his wife's lower back, smiling when she stood up fully. Smiling, he pulled his wife closer to him, wrapping his arm around her, his other hand wrapping around hers.

" Time after time, I tell myself that I'm so lucky to be loving you," Steve started singing the song from the top, dancing with her, the only other noise was the soft breathing of their twins. After singing and dancing with her, he brings her closer, kissing the top of her head.

"I love you, just when I think I couldn't love you any more, I find myself falling in love with you again, every day. With each touch, with each kiss and with each word, I fall in love with you even more. I am so glad I met you when I did and that you agreed to marry me," Steve says before leaning forward slightly and kisses his wife softly, cupping her cheek as he kissed her.

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