Requested* Danny Williams x Reader - The powers of love.

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Danny couldn't hide his worry, even as he paced the hallway of the hospital, knowing there was nothing he could do, but still needing to be close by, just in case. Danny had only been with you a short while, but he was sure he was in love with you, even if he had never told you, at least, not yet. The beeping of EKG's was driving Danny crazy, even if he subconsciously started pacing in time to the beeping.

The doors opening startled him for a moment before his attention was drawn to the doctor, his heart almost stopping for a moment as he worked on keeping his breathing even.

"Detective Williams?" The doctor asks, looking over the man. Danny nods as he steps forward "Yeah, is she okay?" he asks, praying he would say she was.

"She's stable," The doctor tells him, making Danny sigh in relief, "We were able to remove the bullet and reset her arm, she's just being settled into a room and a nurse will come and get you," he informs, pausing for a moment for any questions, and not getting anything, he turns and heads off.

Danny sighs in relief, taking a moment to silently thank whoever had been listening to his prayer. Pulling his phone out, Danny quickly steps out of the area, into the waiting room, calling Grace, his daughter, to let her know that you were out of surgery and were going to be okay.

Not an hour later saw Danny sitting on a hard plastic chair beside your bed, watching the rise and fall of your chest. "Danno," a familiar voice calls, and Danny looks up, catching sight of his daughter in the doorway, her mum behind her. "Hey Monkey," Danny greets, pushing himself off the chair, pulling his daughter into him, hugging her close. "Thank you," Danny says to Rachel, who nods, despite her often cold attitude, she knew that sometimes Grace was the only thing that could make them calm.

"Is (Y/N) gonna be okay Danno?" Grace asks, pulling away to peer into the room, seeing her dad's girlfriend laying in the hospital bed, one arm in a cast and propped against her chest and the edge of a bandage wrapped around her arm. "Yeah, she's gonna be okay," Danny tells her, letting her go in, knowing that the two of them were close.

"What happened?" Rachel asks, watching as their daughter grabbed her ex's new partner's hand.
"She tried to stop a kidnapping, got into it with the kidnapper, broke her arm and took a bullet through the arm," Danny informs her, knowing his ex would probably blame him and his job, as she often did, and was surprised when Rachel winces, "Was brave of her," Rachel says gently before shaking her head slightly, pulling a bright pink bag of her shoulder, "Here, Grace's stuff," she tells him, "I'll pick her up after school tomorrow," she tells him, waving to Grace before leaving.

Danny huffs before walking back into the room, setting the bag by the end of the bed, pressing a kiss to Grace's head as he retakes his girlfriend's hand, dropping back into the plastic seat, opening his arms for his daughter, who climbs into his lap, joining her father in watching her sleep.

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