"Looks like we'll be trapped for a while..." (Will Lennox & OC)

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With a groan, you lifted your head, pain shooting through it but you ignored it and took stock of the rest of your body, finding the pain not too bad, you pushed yourself up and looked around, finding the team climbing to their feet and then moving to each other, your eyes take stock of the area, your eyes landing on Will, who was still down. You moved over to him, dropping to your knees beside him. "Will, hey, hey, careful" you say softly seeing his eyes open and groan, pain evident on his face. You give him a weak smile, "Can you get free?" you ask looking at the beam that was over his leg and you watched as he tried and he cried out, causing you to wince. "Okay, don't move Will," you tell him. "Looks like we'll be trapped for a while, so, im going to check on everyone else,"  you let him know and he nods his head. 

You stand up and move away from Will, worried for him, you send some of the men to try and get out and get help, Autobot help, sending them off with bags that were scattered nearby, the rest of the men, were more badly injured so you helped clear an area for them to sit, but first you tried to get the metal beam off Will but it wouldn't budge so you let them sit down in the cleared area before you checked the ruined building. Grabbing bags that you find, chucking all but two to the men, before moving back to Will.

"Hey," you say to him as you dig through the bag, realising it was your bag and being grateful for it, you pull out the aluminium blanket and lay it over Will who gave you a weak smile in return. "Thanks," he says as he shivered, "How're the guys?" he asks trying to ignore the pain he was in. "Those here are the worst, most of them just have concussions, some do have broken bones though. Those that went are better off, concussions and cuts and such" you let him know before transferring some of the contents of the other bag to yours and then using the second bag to prop up Will's head and making him eat one of the fruit bars and made him have the lemonade drink from your MRE and take some of the grunt candy. "How bads the pain?" you ask him and he grunts, "Bad." he says and you nod, "You will be okay" you let him know. 

You sat with Will for a long while, talking to him, trying to keep him from passing out. You suddenly hear loud engines rumbling your way and you sighed in relief, you could hear the Bots transforming and the roof being ripped off, you looked up to see Optimus, Ratchet and Ironhide peering back. Optimus carefully reaches out and lifts your injured men out from the building, setting them down outside whilst Ratchet got to work on them. Ironhide reached out and pulled pieces of metal and concrete away from yourself and Will, dumping them in the corner, before lifting the beam of Will's leg. The giant black Autobot lifted the two of you up and brought out of the building, setting you down by Ratchet. 

The medic soon, got to working on Will, setting bones and cleaning wounds before the Autobots changed back to their Alt-forms, most of the team ended up in Optimus's trailer, a few were in Ratchet whilst you and Will rode in Ironhide's flatbed. "Feeling any better?" you ask him as you run your fingers through his hair. "Yeah, thanks for staying with me." he says and you smile "Of course," you tell him.

I've only got one shot.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu