"We're in the middle of a thunderstorm, and you want feel the rain?"

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You and Abby had known each other a while, you had been working at NCIS for a while now, and as Abby was the only forensic scientist, you had come to know her, even if you didn't work for team Gibbs, you occasionally made an appearance there, helping the team out if they needed it, or just letting them use you to bounce ideas off of whilst you worked.

It had taken but you had finally cleared time in your schedule to hang with Abby, the two of you weren't doing anything too exciting, just relaxing mostly, something you were both enjoying after weeks of hard work, back to back cases making it almost impossible for a social life, but you were currently enjoying your day off, walking the street, a drink in your hand as you talked, a couple bags in both of your arms, the same for your friend and co-worker, but that didn't stop either of you.

You had been out for a couple hours when the clouds rolled in, making it grow dark, and it quickly down poured on the both of you, causing you to groan and head for cover, dragging Abby with you, who seemed to be dragging her feet, "Come on Abby," you say, not really wanting to catch a cold, "I want to enjoy the rain," she replies and you groan, "We're in the middle of a thunderstorm, and you want to stop and feel the raindrops?" Abby laughs and nods, making you shake your head but you laugh as you dive for cover and let her do what she wants until she finally joins you under the cover of the shop.

I've only got one shot.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum