Requested* Bucky x Reader - Beauties or Beasts?

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Nervously glancing to the guests, You bite your lip, trying to keep from smiling before glancing back to Bucky, who was practically vibrating in excitement as he glanced from you to the other Avengers and then back to the board, a board with old wife's tales and two options, indicating boy or girl, he was in charge of using the piece of chalk to mark down the answers that the guests gave.

"Do I prefer sleeping on my left or right side?" You ask the Avengers, several saying left, indicating boys, with the rest saying right, indicating girls. With boys barely winning the vote this time, Bucky circles the left answer, before the two of you moved onto the next question.

After a few more questions, it was clear that the Avengers thought that you and Bucky were expecting boys, based solely on the circles, 5 of the questions being circled on the boy's side and 4 being circled on the girl's side. So bringing the board with you, you all head to where Pepper had set up a table for food, plenty of coloured food, half with pink icing or colouring and the other half with blue colouring, sitting right in the middle of the food were three cakes, one for each baby you were carrying.
Feeling warm arms slide around your waist, hands resting on your growing bump, you leaned back into Bucky's arms, turning slightly to give him a quick kiss, before returning your attention to where the group had congregated around the table, all getting a good look at the cakes.
Reluctantly, you removed yourself from Bucky's arms, walking across the front of the table, and handing one of the knives to him and another to Pepper, who you and Bucky had decided would help reveal the genders, and keeping the last knife to yourself. You decided Pepper would be the one to help as she had been a great help to you both, and had been the one to set up the party.
"On three?" You say to Bucky and Pepper, smiling, you were ready for the others to know the babies genders.

"One," Bucky says gripping the knife a little tighter in his hand, which was trembling slightly in his excited-nervousness.

"Two," Pepper said, stepping closer to get a better angle to cut the cake.

"Three," You say, all of you cutting right into the middle of the cakes, revealing the colour inside of the cake.

You grin, hearing cheers and congratulations coming from the group. The cake Bucky had cut open was blue, revealing Baby A was a boy, and the cake you had cut open, revealed Baby B was a girl and the cake that Pepper had cut revealed Baby C was also a boy.

"Oh my god," Bucky says excitedly, setting the knife down and moving to you, wrapping you up in a hug. "We're having both," he says eagerly, leaning down slightly to kiss you.

After celebratory hugs, you lean against Bucky's chest, watching the team talk excitedly, some playful ribbing happening from both sides, those who thought girls and those who thought boys, though most of the ribbing came from those who had said, boys.
"Happy?" You ask Bucky, knowing full-well that he was.
"Ecstatic," he says, the smile having never left his face that had appeared upon learning the genders of your babies. "We're gonna have our hands full," he states, but he knew the two of you had plenty of surrogate aunts and uncles to help out.

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