AP: Obito (Pt 2)

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author's note: gonna refrain from fully re-describing each of the characters. meaning im not gonna say 'older woman with huge rack'. im just gonna say tsunade or mrs senju-gallant. save time and effort.

first day of school....

reader pov

i took a seat in the room. it was a nice bright day today. air was clear. all that good stuff. feelin good. i did all my studying. got all my school supplies. im good for the year. i had sat near the window so i could enjoy outside when i had the time. people finally started filing inside, taking seats in random places. a buff guy with blonde hair and whiskers. sorta scrawny guy with a pony. mostly random faces with solemn looks. looks like no one was as prepared for today as i was. i was surprised when i saw the buff guy from that frat party come in and take a seat next to the scrawny guy. im pretty sure he is straight but.....well a guy can dream, right? he glanced back at me. shit! i looked away, my face feeling hot. just got here today and i already have a crush. aint that bout a bitch?

tsunade walked in just a few minutes before the start of class. started her spiel about how privileged we are to be in this class. it was hard not to look at the guy. he was buff but short and compact. im sure he would have been like a running back for the football team. super cute. sexy. i would LOVE the opportunity to feel him up. just a little. would have been nice to run into him at like the gym or something. maybe after a football game. he plays football. he is way too buff not too. a nice 'good job' slap on that plump ass of his. maybe grip it a little. he wont mind, right? his girlfriend wont even have to know. damn. am i really that much of a pervert? "...is anyone in this class that isn't susposed to be? this is a junior level course so please make sure you are all in the right class," said teach. i raised my hand. "im a sophomore but am susposed to be in the class. ended up taking an AP health course so im a year ahead," i said. she smiled. "well that's good. im glad to see someone ahead of the game," she continued teaching.

it was really hard to focus on my work. i still managed to do the work well but it wasn't easy. he had joined a group with the pony tail guy and blondie with whiskers. i wont deny that i was a little bummed. she handed out a packet for each group. shit. all that staring and i ended up being the one person who isn't in a group. "well john, it looks like you are the only one left. cant have one guy left out, right? soo....go ahead and join naruto, shikamaru, and kiba over there in the corner," teach pointed right at the people surrounding mr beefy. i sighed. "oh dont pout about it. chat and get to know each other. you could even make a few friends!" she chimed. i sighed. i reluctantly grabbed my bag and walked over.

i pulled up a seat and sat down. "hey man, im naruto. its nice to meet you," blondie held out a hand. "just call me john," i shook it. "that's kiba..." he pointed to mr beefy,"...and shikamaru," he pointed to the pony tail guy," but everyone calls him shika for short. welcome to our group," he said. i nodded.

naturally it was hard not to stare when he was literally sitting across from me. he wouldn't look at me either, no doubt recognizing me as his stalker. i sighed. i cant bear this awkwardness for the rest of the semester. "hey kiba..." he looked at me,"....did you happen to be at that frat party on 26th street like three days ago?" i raised a brow, hoping to break the ice. shika and naruto busted out laughing. "hell yeah he was! he was knocking back those shots like they wasn't nothing!" naruto elbowed him playfully. "see! i knew i saw you somewhere before," i smiled when i saw his lips curling into a smile. hopefully that will break the ice a little.

"you were at the party friday night? i didnt see you," asked naruto. "yeah but i didnt stick around for very long. ended up messing around with this guy..." shika and kiba's eyes widened,"...oh shit. sorry guys. im gay. hope that doesnt make things awkward," i muttered. instant elephant in the room. both kiba and shika looked away, scratching their heads nervously. "oh its fine. im no homophobe," naruto motioned for me to continue. "well, yeah. i ended up stumbling into the basement of the frat house. guess drunk me wanted some peace and quiet so of course the guy whose room was down there happen to come back..." everyone's eyes widened,"....i thought he would have freaked out but he was actually pretty chill about it. got to talking and....well we started messing around. sorta ran into a problem though. you see...both of us was trying to throw the ball while no one wanted to catch it, if you get my drift, so i had to cut it off. sorta left him high and dry but i know what i like," i shrugged. their eyes were still wide. "why are you guys looking at me like that?" i asked, completely confused. "so you were the guy who messed around with obito? shit," muttered naruto. shika moved into a thinking stance. his brows were creased in concentration. "its not a big deal. two tops cant do the do. good guy but im not leaving my comfort zone," i made and 'x' with my arms. they started chatting amongst themselves. "well that's rude," i pouted.

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