AP: Kidomaru (Pt 3)

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reader pov

i tried my best to tone my stalkerish nature, that i didnt even know i had. back. i mean seriously! what did ya do to me, kido? i afraid i grew to attached to the guy since then. i took in a deep breath. i somehow managed to not call him every day, settling for an occasional text. i walked into my first class, taking a seat on the far wall near the windows. i was.....well he told me to talk to other guys. a nigh impossible task but im sure i could manage it. or at least try.

people started filing in one after another. a guy with whiskers, a guy with a short pony tail that looks sorta like kido, and a buff dude who im pretty confident is a muscle head were the ones who stuck out to me once everyone settled down in the room. an older blonde haired woman made her way up to the front, obviously being the teacher Mrs Senju-gallant. "welcome to junior health, class. i see a few familiar faces from when i used to teach freshman health so its great to see that you have made it this far in your school career. before i begin class, id like to make sure that everyone is susposed to be in this class. this is a junior class so anyone who isn't one should have a special reason. anyone not a junior?" she said. i raised my hand. everyone looked at me. wide eyes from the short pony and the muscle head. good chance they are probably gay too. i get the gut feeling. "im john and im a sophomore. i have this class cause i had an AP class back in high school so i got a head start," i said, lowering my hand. "well that's so good to hear! im glad to see some people work hard in high school so college will be a little bit easier. welcome to the class, john. i do hope you will find some good friends amongst your sempai here," she said. i nodded and she continued with class.

wasn't long before she handed out a packet to everyone. "now, for some fun bonding. for all of you who remember me from two years ago, you should remember that im a fan of group projects. for this packet, id like for you all to gather in groups of three to four and answer these basic questions as well as a few questions to help you get to know your classmates better!" tsunade chimed. i sighed. this was always something that the high school teachers would do too. force the students into groups and--"...hey john!" i looked to see whiskers, kido look-alike, and muscle head all had gathered in a group. it was whiskers who had called out to me. "why dont ya join us over here?" he said. i didnt have a reason to say no so i gathered my things and joined their group.

"im naruto. that's kiba and shikamaru over there. everyone calls him shika so you should too. its nice to meet ya," naruto held out a hand, having introduced the muscle head and short pony as kiba and shika respectively. i shook it casually. "great meeting you guys," i said. "how long have you been going here? i haven't seen you around," said naruto. "ive been here since freshman year. i just kept a REALLY low profile," i shrugged. "why?" asked kiba. "cant say im a huge fan of attention. i was hoping for a clean, clear, and most of all smooth ride through college," i said. they seem to get the idea. "well do you play any sports? you lookin.....looking pretty buff over there," muttered shika, a light blush appearing on his cheeks. HA! totally the perfect opportunity to flirt. first, gotta let him know im totally available. "tsk....no thanks. going to the gym and not getting a boner in the shower is hard enough. put me in a room full of naked dudes and everyone will feel uncomfortable. its surprisingly hard to hide....being hard," i said. naruto busted out laughing. the other two had a darkening blush, confirming my earlier hypothesis. shit, i think some of kido's analytical nature rubbed off on me a little. cant believe i just thought the word 'hypothesis' on purpose. "yeah, i could see that being pretty tough. of course...." he leaned in to whisper in my ear,"....those two are totally gay and completely single," he said. "figured that," i whispered back. "i swear my girlfriend would LOVE you, john. you should come by the frat house and hang out sometime," he said.

"....frat? as in a bunch of people partying and drinking. i cant say im a people person, naruto," i said. he chuckled. "partying only happens MAYBE once a week. most of the time we are pretty chill. besides, its only six of us," he said. "yeah, you should come over sometime, john. we could...hang out," said kiba, looking away. he seemed pretty bashful. "....ok, ya got me. who could say no to that face?" i said, giving him a sly grin. just because he isn't my target, dont mean i cant mess with him, right?

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