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I have a rant before anything else.

Why do people always seem to think that a "big" person doesn't deserve a good-looking partner?! Is it because they don't fit in the standards of the society? Is it because they think that only the "hot" ones are allowed to date "handsome" ones so that it will be balanced?

I had a boyfriend and we lasted for 5 years and yet, some of my "classmates/ex friends" think of him as a pseudoboyfriend. Like what the fuck? Haha. It's because they think that I'm not good enough for him just because he is handsome and fit. (Yes he is. My aunt apparently calls him Zayn because they said that he kinda looked like him but I don't see him that way. Haha!) Maybe he loved me because of my attitude right? Or even my humor. There are other things in the world other than the appearance.

I'm a plus sized woman (you know, size 14 or 16 and 173 cm tall) and yet I love myself for who I am. I may be thick but I'm still fabulous. I can change the way I look but those people can never change their rude attitudes. Like what my friend told me, "You can earn money if you wanna have a liposuction or anything but they can never pay someone to change their attitude" - not saying that you need liposuctions, I'm just saying that you can change an appearance easily (if you want to) but a rude attitude is clearly a different story, ya feel me?

I'm telling you this, never ever let the society dictate for yourself because you are the only one who can do whatever you want to yourself and be confident about it. Wear tons of makeup? Then go for it! Wear neon clothes? Go! Don't ever stop doing what you want just because the people around you doesn't agree with your choices. They have their own business so don't let them interfere with yours.

My boyfriend and I, unfortunately broke up, for good reasons though. :)

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