2/ F I V E

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.     LUKE

Well, luckily my one week trial was over and I was now officially working at the company.

I have been doing great in my job, amazing you could even say. But no one thanked me or congratulated me. Guess no one cares. Everyone is so caught up in their job that they don't even notice other people around them.

I haven't seen Jackson either. I found out he works in a whole different department so I don't think I will see him that much.

I share a noticeably big office with two other people; a woman and an old man. The woman is, you could say, obsessed with the boss. She can't be much older than me though.

Not forgetting to mention, I haven't heard, neither seen Mr. Styles from two weeks earlier when I had the interview which is pretty rude and inconsiderate of him since I am working my ass off and going home late every single night and he didn't even bother with a thank you.

Just as I was thinking about this the door to our office burst open and I sprinted off my chair and on my feet. The door slammed harshly to the wall and revealed the one and only Mr. Styles.

"Hello... Mr. Styles-s what can... we do for you today-y?" The woman who worked with me- who I still don't know her name and don't care to do so- stuttered and eyed him up and down, making me roll my eyes.

Well, surprise to see my own boss after a whole week.

"Hemmings!" He said, averting his gaze from the woman and ignoring her.

"Yes sir?" I asked a bit scared. Because his tone was nowhere near happy.

"How the fuck did you get back all the money that Winston stole, in only one week?" He asked surprised and suddenly a smile was formed on his face. Well, didn't know he was capable of that!

Wow! He actually noticed all my hard work.

I looked down at all the papers in his hands that he held and back up at him. "Well, I called a bunch of our regulars and rich companies and sold--"

"I don't care how you did it, but you are my favorite employee now. Get your jacket or whatever. We are heading out." He pointed at me throughout his speech and without letting me reply, he left.

"You really outdid yourself. Never have seen him smile in the past six years to any one." The old man said.

I felt like I just won a nobel prize. Like I won the gold medal in the Olympics. Fuck this feels good.

Making Harry Styles proud was more than all of those things.

I quickly grabbed my jacket and left the wide eyed lady and happy old man alone to their work.

After 5 minutes, he was finally outside. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt underneath a big brown fur coat which by the looks of it, is pretty expensive.

"Let's go to the coffee place down the street." Mr. Styles suggested and I obeyed.

We arrived at the place and sat down at one of the tables.

A waiter came to take our order. "An Americano." Mr. Styles said, not letting the waiter speak. "Yes Mr. Styles. And you sir?" He turned to me.

"Just tea." The waiter nodded after writing down our orders and left.

"Mr. Styles--"

"It's Harry. I like you so you can call me Harry until you fuck up somewhere and we go back to Mr. Styles." I let out a nervous chuckle at his statement and looked down at the napkin on the table.

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