2/ T H I R T Y - F I V E

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"Iced Americano for Julia!" He yelled over the chaos of the cafe.


The cafe was filled with people, couples, families or workers concentrated on their laptops. Everyday it seemed busier than when she was around. He doesn't know why.

He hears the all too familiar sound of jingles when the door is opened even with the chatters going on. "Welco-"

"Hi Harry. How are you?" Clarke makes himself known as he walks through the door towards the counter. Harry turns, his back facing Elliana's dad, busying himself by grabbing a towel and cleaning the cups. "Fine I guess."

"Did you forget what day it is? You were supposed to close early so we could go to the-"

"I know." He harshly states, cutting him off. He loudly put the cup down, leaning his body on the counter, his head hanging low. He closed his eyes and with a deep sigh, turned around to face him. "How can I forget? I just couldn't bring myself to do so. Everything here... reminds me of her. It feels like she is here... with me." He had tried so hard not to cry. Not to get emotional. And you could say he had succeeded to some extent. But still, the memories were too harsh and hunting.

After everything that happened, he couldn't let Joe sell this place. How could he? He knew Elliana had asked for it, but his whole existence couldn't allow the last place holding her memories to be gone too. Just like her.

The argument with Joe wasn't beautiful at all. Yells and harsh words turned into punches and kicks resulting Joe to go to the hospital for a checkup. All the anger and hurt building up inside Harry made him blame it all on the only person available. Joe.

But it wasn't only him that blamed Joe; it being out of anger, self hatred, loss or hurt. Joe hated himself too. So much that he locked himself in his room, not eating, not talking and not doing anything other than crying after his really bad argument with Harry. He asked himself, over and over again, how it all would've been if he hadn't called Luke? He hated himself so much, to the point even suicidal thoughts came to his mind until Harry came to his rescue. Breaking the window, going inside and finding Joe unconscious, lifeless on his bedroom floor.
It was Harry who managed to bring him back on his feet.

It wasn't long after she was gone. Maybe a week or two. But with Luke disappearing after he took away Elliana's life, everything had been too much for him. He needed someone other than himself to blame. He needed someone to take his anger out on. He couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat. He had become lifeless. All he did was cry, break stuff, hurt himself by punching anything he could. His house turned into a mess in a couple of days.

Reminders of Elliana such as clothes where shredded. her perfume bottle broken in the middle of the living room. Her accessories, belongings, anything that could remind Harry of her was ruined. He couldn't bear seeing them. Luke was nowhere to be found and Joe was already taken care of. To him, it was the end of the world.

He was far gone, blinded by his own anger, sorrow and hatred that he didn't realize he was ruining anything he had of her. And by the time he had realized that, it was too late. Nothing remained. Everything was destroyed which only added up to the awful thoughts going through his head. He was falling deeper and deeper.

It was only a week or two later of not hearing anything from him that Elliana's dad had to break through Harry's front door only to find him hugging himself on the living room floor, crying, next to where he had smashed the perfume bottle to break into pieces because it smelled like her the most with a knife in his hand, contemplating whether continuing on was worth it or not. Everything had become too much for him.

Pulling him out of the depths of his dark self, her dad brought him to their cafe. Just as Harry entered and walked a few steps, he fell down to his knees, his face in his hands, bawling his eyes out.

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